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Having multiple causes, SDB can have serious consequences. These include the loss of one's marriage, job termination, sexual disease, and legal and financial problems.

The good news? Help is available.

out-of-control sex


Healthy sex is a powerful means of self-expression that deeply enriches one's quality of life. 


Yet many men and women struggle with effectively managing their sexual desire and impulses.   


Too often this leads to the loss of a marriage, job loss, sexual disease, or legal and financial problems.


Commonly called "sex addiction", out-of-control sexual behavior is a constellation of various sexual dysregulatory behaviors (SDBs) that are attributable to multiple causes.


SDBs can result in serious consequences, such as the loss of a marriage, job termination, and sexually transmitted disease. There are often legal and financial problems.


Although they may know the risks, those struggling with SDBs often continue to cruise bars and nightclubs for stranger sex, or sex from prostitutes. 


They may emotionally isolate with masturbation, pornography, internet hookups, pay-to-play phone sex or video sex.


Contrary to a popular misperception, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits all, cookie-cutter approach that helps with SDBs. 


Each case is unique, and therefore must be evaluated on an individual basis.


Psychotherapy that integrates sex therapy has been found to be very effective for helping those struggling to establish a healthier, more satisfying sexual lifestyle.


If you are concerned about your sexual behavior, or the sexual behavior of somebody you love, I invite you to call me at 1-425-247-1880, or click the button below.


With more than two decades experience helping men, women and couples struggling with SDBs, I want to help. Let's talk. 




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