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We don't need research to tell us good things happen when partners invest in one another in very specific, intentional ways. 


You are invited to a special experience for couples in a great relationship, who are committed to making something good even better.

have a relationship renaissance


You have a good relationship. Yet, somehow, you find yourself missing some of the ways you used to savor life together. You know you can have better.


Relationship Renaissance is coaching for couples with a good relationship who are committed to making what they have even better. 


We don't need research to tell us good things happen when partners invest in one another in very specific, intentional ways:


  • Creating ongoing romance between you that is both lively and reality-based instead of what is pushed by tabloid fantasies.


  • Co-creating increased connection and intimacy by honoring and protecting one another's autonomy.


  • Preserving a place of haven that frees you for the deeply satisfying sexual relationship you want with one another.


  • Leveraging the inevitable life crises that we all face to deepen and strengthen your relationship together.


  • Converting those stubborn "no-talk" zones between you into sources of shared strength and greater appreciation.


  • Using the abundant opportunities for humility that life provides to fuel your natural humor, tear down isolation, and increase intimacy.


  • Transforming stubborn conflicts into opportunities leading to personal growth and mutual encouragement.


  • Balancing the demanding roles of partnership, career and parenting  to better manage stress and avoid burnout.


Relationship Renaissance is not intended for distressed couples, nor is it therapy. It is intended for couples who want to invest in making their good relationship even better through personalized coaching. (For the difference between therapy and coaching, click here.)


If this sounds like something that may benefit you, I invite you to call me at 1-855-904-4476 to set up a free 15-minute confidential consultation.


Or, if you prefer, email me by clicking here. Let's talk.


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